Can't sleep - she's dancin' in there!

Kelley • Mama, step-mama, mama-to-be; writer, marketing consultant, foodie, lover of the ocean 🌊. Blessed - praise God!
I'm 31 wks, and it's getting harder to sleep (even on my sides). Baby girl is kicking, punching and dancing at both ends of my belly. How does anyone sleep when baby is so active? I end up turning from side to side dozens of times at night, and each time, she shifts down to one side of my belly, near the mattress - and then the moving starts again! 
This is my 2nd child, and my 1st was born 9 days early. SO HOPING she comes a couple weeks early! I'm so much bigger this time, even sitting up straight on the couch is an awkward chore. 😬 But I'm happy, and thrilled, and trying to enjoy this last pregnancy. At 39, I can't see doing this again, so I'm trying to savor every punch, roll and kick! 
Good luck, ladies!  ✌🏻❤️