Negative Nancy

So I'm feeling like a negative nancy as of lately. In 2010 my husband and I were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. We've been trying TTC #2 for the past 6 months with no luck. My sister, who is in and out of jail, rehabs, and halfway houses is currently pregnant with her 4th. My mom has custody of the first and second, and the father has custody of the third. She gets out of rehab the end of January. We don't speak to each other, she is manipulating, cruel, a drug user, and she's hurt me more times than I can count. I've tried to help her numerous times, and she always stabs me in the back. So I've cut off all contact with her. Over Christmas, my mom mentioned that she was considering adoption (which would be the best for the child), when I mentioned that if she would let me, I'd adopt her baby. Suddenly, out of spite, she has decided to keep the baby, yet she has no where to live, no job, nothing. My heart breaks for the little baby boy, whom she is naming Charlie, who will probably end up in foster care because of her hate for me. My husband and I want another baby, and our daughter wants a sister or brother. I'm so angry, and so jealous that my sister who doesn't care about anyone but herself, has been able to get pregnant 4 times! And refuse to take care of them! It took us a year to get pregnant with our daughter, and we love her with every bit of our hearts, why is she so lucky and I'm not? I'm a functioning human of society, I pay my bills, I take care of my child, I work, I pay taxes, etc. and still I'm not pregnant. And my sister is. My heart is so sad. Sorry for my rant, I needed to get it off my chest.