Just wanting to know if this is normal.

I was really excited to get my bump. Like it was all I could think about, was having my belly poke out, since it's always been flat, and even on the verge of being more concave than most. Now that I have a tiny, TINY, one (25+1), I won't let my SO see me without clothes on, won't let him touch my stomach, or anything. If we have sex, it's in the absolute pitch black dark, and my shirt has to stay on, and as soon as we are done, I get up and put my pants on, then will lay back down to cuddle or whatever.
We used to cuddle naked for awhile post-sex, and even sleep naked at times, when neither of us felt like getting dressed......
Is this normal? Why do I feel so uncomfortable? Do I need to talk to my doctor about this? I don't want to be showing some weird signs of depression or something, and not pick up on them.
*Worthy to note,  I also won't let him see me in "tight" clothes either. I mean I still fit in my all of my jeans, so those are always the same as they were, but I tend to go for the baggiest sweat shirt/jacket I can find. I'm not meaning to, I just feel so disgusting and uncomfortable if I don't.*