"Having children will tear your marriage apart!"

How on earth could something so beautiful hurt your marriage? Life is perfect 24/7 with children, just like the movies portray it, right? Wrong.
Having a child in marriage is 
...admitting to your husband how many pregnancy tests you took in one week. "Yes dear, 16. But I had to be sure!"
...it's passing on midnight snuggles cause the smell of his body wash might put you over the edge.
...it's being held up by the love of your life cause you physically can't hold yourself up if you vomit one more time.
...it's "this goes where?!" "Google what a suppository is if you don't believe me."
...it's excusing yourself from the joy of intimacy because at 9 months pregnant he can't possibly expect you to do anything but lay on your back.
...it's pulling him close then immediately shoving him away because your body can't handle the contraction and you feel out of control.
...it's saying "honey I feel crazy" when the drugs they gave you to get out the placenta get really strong.
...it's apologizing for the accident on the floor cause your bladder and brain no longer connect.
...it's "don't make me laugh so hard, that hurts my stitches!" Which makes you laugh harder.
...it's 2am wake up calls but you'll both pretend you're sleeping till one of you gives in and gets the baby.
...it's "babe? Can you come look in the toilet? Is this normal?"
But you know what? 
That's the beauty of it all. Heck no, it's not perfect! There are hard days and times I think "what did I get myself into?"
But it's also the best decision of my life and a miracle that's only made my marriage crazier, funnier, and better. You see, it's messy and awkward at times, but that only brings us closer. It's an intimacy that none other kind compares to and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 
This is for my husband. My loving, caring, funny, and blissful husband. Thank you for never making me feel gross or weird even though throughout pregnancy and birth a woman could tend to. You're my hero ❤️
UPDATE: Thank you so much for all the love on this post! I haven't even shown my husband but I probably should if you all enjoyed it that much 😂
To the women who are blessed with a husband like this, please never take him for granted. Not everyone has a real man like you. ❤️