TTC - how to have sex every other day???

Mia • 35yrs old. Married. Dog Mom. Baby boy - Jan 2019! PCOS. Irregular cycles. TTC for baby #2 🙏🏽
Ladies, I'm struggling with trying to have sex every other day. It just doesn't happen. I'm lucky if I can get it on every 3rd or 4th day. I need tips please!!!!
My husband is not crazy about sex all the time and he is usually tired, stressed from work or the day and just wants to relax or sleep at the end of he day. And in the morning he leaves for work super early and honestly it's not gonna happen at 5am. We are both out of the house from 7/8am till 6/7pm at work then come home eat, clean up, pack food and maybe get 1-2 hrs to relax or watch a movie or something before bed. 
How do u guys manage to have sex in this kind of lifestyle? How do I get us in a routine to have sex every other day???? 
Do you guys discuss when u'll do it, plan it, schedule it, or ur men are just always in the mood and ready for it?
I feel like we aren't getting pregnant because we honestly don't have sex frequent enough and my husband just isn't always up and ready to do it. Helppp please!!! Advice, tips, recos, stories!!! I need to know what to do!!!