I just wanted to start this post by saying - PCOS sucks! It really does. It's deprived me of my confidence and my self esteem, my body, and now it's standing in the way of me becoming a mother. Besides just stating the obvious - that PCOS sucks, and throwing myself a pity party, I actually do have a couple of questions. And would also love advice/encouragement/opinions, etc... 
I had a miscarriage in June of 2016 when I was 10 weeks along. It was the worst experience of my life and I wouldn't wish that pain upon anyone.... anyways, I had a period in august, but then completely skipped September. But then In October and November I was normal again &I had my period on the same day both of those months.. then fast forward to December and I completely skipped again... so frustrating!! I never used to just skip periods but then I realized (with the help from my doctor) that I was on birth control up until May of 2016 (hence the pregnancy one month later).  So my doctor said that most likely I was "regular" solely because of the birth control.. which kind of sucks to think about. That my body doesn't just naturally, without the help of medicine, do what it's supposed to do. 
Anyways, my doctor prescribed me Metformin. Which I took a couple of years ago and didn't really notice a huge difference on it but my memory is a bit foggy.. 
So question one is who here has been on Metformin before or currently is on it? Do you feel like it's helped? Has it made you regular? Have you had luck conceiving because of it? 
My doctor also told me that I should lose weight if I'm trying to get pregnant. Which anyone here that also has PCOS and gained weight because of it like me realizes how annoying this is when someone tells you that. I've been struggling with my weight ever since I first got diagnosed and blew up like a balloon. Losing weight with PCOS is so much harder than if you didn't have PCOS. I can't find any motivation because I feel defeated before even beginning. I lost about 50 pounds last year and then I gained it all back after my miscarriage. I just don't even know where to begin. Or if I even should bother trying. 
So second question is who here was also told by their doctor they needed to lose weight before getting pregnant? What did you do? Did you go on some crazy strict diet? Did you just not do anything at all? Did you lose weight? what worked for you? 
Any advice or comments would be appreciated. ❤️❤️