How early did your baby come?

My little man was due on 2/1/17 On Dec. 7, my water broke and I went to the nearest hospital. We live in a small town, and due to my heart condition, I was supposed to have my baby at a hospital in the city. Well I was transferred to the city, but not to the hospital I was supposed to deliver at. I had minor contractions, but they stopped my labor at the hospital in town. When I got to the city, I felt fine and wasn't having any contractions. Well the small hospital didn't pass along that they had already given me the medicine that stops labor, so the new hospital gave it to me again. (I was drugged up on magnesium so I wasn't quite aware of what was going on. I was alone, my husband was on his way at the time.) My heart didn't seem to handle the second dose of medicine too well. My heart rate rocketed and I couldn't catch my breath. It finally slowed, and I told them that they aren't giving me anything else to stop labor. If he was coming, he was coming. They agreed. 
They diasgnosed me with pPROM. They couldn't tell me why it happened, there is no specific thing that could have caused it. They said I would have to stay in the hospital until my son came. I dreaded it because I due date was 2/1. Well, they told me they would deliver the baby, if he didn't come on his own, by 1/4 because they don't like them being inside with so sac. Even though we was still making fluid, I was also losing fluid. With pPROM, there is a certain infection that can occur in the uterus that would cause my body to naturally go into labor.
When I first arrived to the hospital in the city, I was in L&D. That evening, I was moved to a high risk unit for moms in my position, and moms who just gave birth. On Dec 14, contractions started and I was 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and -2. I was moved back to L&D. For almost 12 hours, I didn't change any, and couldn't take the pain. Instead of an epidural, because they weren't planning on inducing me, I opted for a shot of morphine and phenergan. It took the pain away, and labor stopped. I was moved back to the high risk unit the next morning. On Dec 17, my baby became tachycardic(high heart rate). I was moved back to L&D to be watched more closely. That evening, they told me that if it hadn't subsided soon, they would induce me. It was the first sign of an infection, even though I had no other symptoms, they wanted to be safe. Contractions started on their own that evening they were tolerable at this point. The next morning (Dec. 18), I was 4cm dilated, 80% effaced and -1. Around 10am, my contractions were almost unbearable. I got my epidural, and things felt so much better. At 11am, they started to pitocin to induce labor. Three times, I had to have them add more "juice" to my epidural because I started wearing off. 3am on Dec. 19, it started to wear off again, and I felt like I had to push but I wasn't completely effaced. My baby was in the birth canal already and ready to come. They added more "juice". I fell asleep, and my doctor woke me up at 5am and told me it was time to push. I was shocked. Within 20 minutes of pushing, my baby boy was here. 
He was born at 33w5d. 5lb 6oz, 17in long. He was on oxygen, had a feeding tube, and went through 5 IVs. But day 6, he was off his breathing tube. By day 3, he had his IV taken out. And by day 2, he had his oxygen tubes taken off. He did so much better than everyone thought he would. They told us that he probably would be released until 2/1. That would have been 44 DAYS away !  He was released after 8 days! He is my little trooper and he has the strength of his daddy. 💙