breastfeeding/one breast bigger than the other😭

Hey mamas,
I know I shouldnt worry but I am. 6 weeks PP, and I pump and breastfeed. Baby didn't nurse this morning when my breast got the tingle and hard feeling; so I pump instead. When I do pump one breast is usually 6oz and the other is 5oz. Well past two days it's been one breast 4 oz and the other 3oz and I'm worried my supply is dropping. I nurse on demand and I pump on demand. Is there anything I can do to get my supply back up? I take the upspring milkflow gummies x3 a day!!!
Also, after son was born, he wanted to nurse only on my righr breast and has made it bigger than my left. My right fits in a c cup and my left in a b cup. It looks so funny in the mirror and when I look down. How can I correct this issue?Â