maybe I'm over reacting buttt...

He quit smoking cigarettes about 3-4 months ago and he did really good at first but then I started noticing him showering and brushing his teeth everyday after work (which isn't normal) so I started snooping around and went through his truck and I found a lighter and a couple of other things like a cigarette carton that was empty and so I asked him a few weeks ago when his last cigarette was and he said at johns party (which I knew about) and I said okay. Then I asked again yesterday in the car and he said johns party. I said okay and then last night he went to a friends and came back and showered and brushed his teeth. Let me remind your its 4 in the morning. Well I asked him again and he said the same thing so I confronted him this morning and was like I know the truth so don't lie to me again and I asked and he admitted to it. It's not that I'm mad that he is smoking again (Don't get me wrong I'm not happy), but I'm just really upset he lied to me serval times.  Need some outside advice.