Holy hedgehogs, is this a faint +? Edit: just evap :(

Silvie • #1 born 7/16/18 after 2 years ttc❣️🌈
Edit: well, period came full-force and now my husband is nauseous too. So it was the flu and an evap. Siiiigghh. Thanks though! 
11dpo, not FMU because I forgot lol. 
Is this actually something or does it not have enough color? I will test for the next few days and will edit this if it does turn out to be real. I used the same brand of test yesterday and didn't have something like this.
 It has become darker as the test has been sitting. This pic is after 5 minutes, test said valid within 10. At 10 minutes it was definitely darker than the middle line which I assume is evap but still super faint.
I've been nauseous all day and woke up with my boobs feeling harder than usual and sore. Sore boobs are my regular PMS symptom but the hardness and nausea are new. 
Also, because you were kind enough to drop by, a picture of the adorable hedgehog I fostered for someone a year back: