Help.. comment something..


I've been on the pill for 3 years now.

M last period was Dec 11.

I ran out of pills on Dec. 24th

My bf and I have had unprotected sex using the pull out method,

Dec.26th 2x

I had little mixed emotions up to the next time.↓

Dec.29th 3x

I started feeling sick if I drank cold things, if I got up not slowly, appetite didn't crave for much.

Dec.30th 2x

I was still feeling everything above and now hurting.. ↑so we tried the shower.. it quit hurting ..

Dec.31st 4x

I was hurting that morning and I had a weird sex drive, constantly... all day! I hadn't felt that way.. we had to stop, we were tired and I wasn't hurting anymore so we took a nap. Woke up my back and vijayjay, head hurt. I didn't even wanna get up.

Every time we pulled out, one time I didn't think he did because we couldn't find it but he said it was on the towel but I never saw it...that was day 29th

It is now Monday the 9th I was supposed to start Saturday the 7th and I can't take my pills until I start and I'm a wee emotional..

I wanna sleep sleep and sleep I want tea really sweet I don't like certain foods anymore..