
I just really want a place to let my worries out. I went to the doctor on Thursday the 22nd. My twins are doing wonderful thankfully, but my cervix is starting to shorten. My doctor spoke to another high risk ob and decided to put me on progesterone suppositories to help slow the shortening as I'm only 23 weeks and 3 days. He is hoping that by trying that and bed rest will slow everything down as I have had contractions here and there. Sadly due to my job and my husbands job we cant financially afford for me to go ahead and take off as the doctor wants which I explained to him after he suggested bed rest. My doctor suggested ways to rest both at home and work, but we are still worried as we know the time will come that I will have to be on complete bed rest. My husband doesn't make enough to solely cover all of our bills when that happens, and I found out that even though I can do fmla I only get 2 weeks of paid time off which means the rest of that time we will have no income from my job. Also that our insult hat I carry on us from my work we will have to pay out of pocket while I'm off. Which again I have no clue as to how we can pay for it. I have asked family and friends for help with ideas on how to get through all this but like we all know in this time everyone is struggling and there isn't a lot they can do. I am praying for a solution and trying to just get through all of this day by day, but I'm slowing starting to feel depressed and scared that we will lose everything. We already have 3 children from my husband that I worry about keeping from this mess so they don't worry. If yall have any ideas please feel free to share! I hope your all having a wonderful day and bless you all.Â