PMS or pregnancy?

So in November I stopped taking my birth control because we decided to start ttc. In December I got my period right on time and I should have gotten it for this month 3 days ago. I've had really veiny, dark nipples, milky discharge (tmi, I know. I'm sorry) and the thought of certain foods make me sick. I've been really tired and kind of bloated. I get all bloated and tired before my period but I haven't had cramps which is always what happens first. My boyfriend is very convinced that I'm pregnant because the first few months off the pill is supposed to be the best time cause your body is getting back on track or whatever. I'm so nervous to take a test that I wanna wait as late as possible to make sure I don't get my period right after (it's happened before) I'm sorry this is so long. Any opinions or ideas, or even stories about being in tge same boat?? Baby dust to you all💝