Is 4oz normal for 13 day old?

I will definitely ask the pediatrician in the morning but until then I am super curious.  I am exclusively pumping for my LO due to inverted nipples and a poor patch so I know exactly how much she is eating at night.  During the day she gets 2.5 oz roughly every two hours sometimes stretched to three.  At her last appointment she weighed 6 pounds 9 oz.  She just woke up at 4am after going to sleep at 12a.  At 12a she was given 3oz and at 4am she wasn't satisfied until she got 4oz.  Is this a lot?  Or normal?  I feel like for how small she is, she sure is eating a lot.  She actually surpassed her birth weight in 9 days after losing 1/2 a pound her first few days. Thank you for any replies!