would you be induced if you had the choice?

Grace • Zion James 1/22/17, Kingston👼🏽 10/14/18, rainbow baby due December 19’🌈💕
I'm 38+4 and today at my appointment my OBGYN asked if I wanted to be induced or not. She said she could do it as much as 6 days before my due date if I choose to (which would be 4 days from now) or I can wait it out and see what happens but she only lets her patients go up to 4 days over their due date. My cervix is 2cm almost 3, and I'm 50% effaced and I just had my bloody show in her office when she checked me today. So I feel like my body is on the right track of doing what it's supposed to, but when she offered the induction it kind of sounds nice to be able to have my son here lol. So if you were able to be induced a little early, would you do it?? I'm keep going back and forth between possibly wanting to and not.