Frebrile Seizures

Tabbie • Found out April 21, 2015 I was pregnant ❤️ Now pregnant with my second child. Due August 2017 💜

On January 11th, around 4:40 pm, my son(12 mos) was a little fussy, then wanted to be held by his grandma. (Prior to this he was acting himself) His grandma said he felt warm. I took his temp and it said 100.1. I then sat back down and moments after i sat down, my son went limp. I literally thought i lost my son. He stopped breathing, lips turned blue, wouldn't respond to his dad or grandma, eyes were rolling. I called 911, while my fiance(my sons dad) and his grandma all gave him cpr. Once the squad arrived, my son was finally breathing but not acting himself. During the squad ride they checked his vitals, and made sure his breathing was fine. (Prior to all this happening he was eating) once we got to the hospital they did x-rays of his lings to make sure what he was eating didn't go down, then come back up and go down his air way to cause him to stop breathing. The x-ray came back fine. So, then they started telling me about Frebrile Seizures. Its a seizure that happens mainly between 6mos-6yrs, and its cause by a spike in fever. My sons seizures lasted 3 minutes at home.

He has an ear infection which is what probably caused his temp. So they gave him a script for amoxicillin to clear his ear ache, and gave him one dose of motrin(to reduce fever) in the E.R. they released at around 9:30pm. Since i came by squad with my son, i had to wait on my fiance to come back with the car. We waited approx hour. Right before we were going to leave, he had another seizure. Just like at home, but went stiff and shook a little.

Im just trying to aware first time parents about this. This something they don't tell you in the hospital and its very scary, especially not knowing whats happening when ypur child does this.

If your child did this i want to know your experience. Im currently wide awake keeping and eye on my son while hes sleeping in his crib.