breastfeeding issues

When my baby was born he has trouble latching and also had trouble swallowing and sucking. We never could get him to latch so I was okay with just pumping and bottle feeding because he had jaundice and at that point I knew him eating was more important than latching. I still keep trying to get him to latch (he's 3 weeks) and he just will not take it. So I pump and bottle feed him but lately (this past week) I have not been producing hardly any milk. My little man is eating 3-4 ounces every 3 hours so I'm having to supplement with formula. Also, i try to pump every 3 hours but keeping the baby at home by myself, that doesn't always happen. I'm getting maybe1.5 ounces out of both breasts combine when I pump now. I'm super sad that this might mean I need to just go to formula. I've tried so hard to be able to breast feed my baby. Does anyone have any advice or ways to increase my supply?