Sitting at planned parenthood


So I'm currently sitting at planned parenthood waiting to get a blood test and I am actually super nervous. The good thing is they will today with my results. But I'm still freaking out. I had a ectopic Nov 2015 and we have been trying ever since I hope and I pray that this is it. Period is 4 days late had pink spotting 1 time on day of expected period and then nothing I seriously hope this is it.

Update: been here 2 hours and they haven't even called me back to take my blood yet I'm super annoyed they said my wait was an hour I already paid.

Update: Ok they finally called me back and took my blood they said to call in a hour for my results, I'm a nervous wreck I feel like if it comes back negative I'm going to be devastated bit also confused on where my period that's never late is lol.