He cheated & Gave me chlamydia...

Hi.. I'm 17 years old my boyfriend is 22. I am 18 weeks pregnant, while we were having intercouse two nights ago I started bleeding really bad. I went to the emergency room they did a pelvic exam they called me the next day to tell me the lab work came back positive for chlamydia. I was at work when I received the call had to leave early because I nearly fainted and I was so upset and started crying. When I got home I told him that I have chlamydia and he gets up to go to the hospital, I drove him there he tells me he needs time to hisself so he doesn't want me in his hospital room with him. So I get checked in to the hospital they give me my meds and he gets a shot In his butt and the pills also but then he texts me and says he doesn't have it and I know for a fact I'm not a cheater and he's The only person I have slept with because we live together at my moms house. So he finally confesses that he cheated on me on his birthday and didn't use protection because he was drunk. But that same night he came home and had unprotected sex with me 😪😪💔 I feel so nasty and disgusting!!!!! He said that I pushed him to do it because I don't give him enough space.... I feel so bad. I have chlamydia my first ever std. and I got it from someone I thought I loved and I thought loved me, the hospital was telling me because of he high dosage medicine they gave me The baby has a 20% chance of living. Well there it is. I just need kind words and advice from the strong ladies on here that have been through this before or haven't by give good advice I'm so torn and broken. Please help....