Anyone else hate the provera part of provera/clomid cycle?

I'm on provera/clomid cycle to ttc. And I have come to the conclusion that provera was created by the devil....I keep telling myself 2 things 1) it's necessary to help us get prego and 2) going to jail for assulting someone won't help me with that. From day 1 of the provera part of the cycle to around after AF is gone I turn into a raging hormonal psychopath. I cry at the drop of a hat, am EXTREMELY moody, tired all the time, irritable over things that normally wouldn't bother me, and gain weight faster than a dieter on a binge. And then when AF gets here it's the worst periods of my life...We are only on round 2 of provera/clomid cycle and I have felt like poo for the last since staring this...anyone else have this issue or am I just going crazy and blaming it on the pills?