
I'm just going to rant for a second.. you don't have to reply or comment or anything I'm just so irritated! 
How can pro lifers (pro birthers) be soooooooooooooooo appalled by abortion but not give 2 shits about kids going into abusive foster homes after they're born. So worried about that baby being born but you don't care if there's someone that's going to take care of that baby once it is born. This guy posted on Facebook "I'm so glad this election will change this! Down with PP" and I'm just like...... so once the baby is born (if it wasn't wanted) it will be hungry, unloved, and without healthcare. ALSO I do realize pregnancy can be prevented, I'm not a moron.. I just don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone how they can deal with their body. I personally would NEVER have an abortion but that doesn't give me any right whatsoever to tell Betty Sue she can't have one.  😡😡😡