Rant 😡😡😡😡

Okay so I am honestly so damn tired of people assuming that I'm "priviledged" etc. Especially when they do not know a single thing about me, and right as I'm starting to realize that there's a lot that I've been through that was very hard and sucked and my life has not been easy. But people see that I'm white and automatically assume that I've had it easy and that I've had everything handed to me on a silver platter. That is bs. I've struggled. I've been hurt. I've been through things that no one should ever have to deal with and I'm just tired of it. And I'm sorry but how is that not racism? You see I'm white and assume shit about me, that is the definition of racism. Judging someone because of the color of their skin. I have NEVER in my entire life done that to someone else. Ever. Because I grew up being raised to not even see it. The color of someone's skin has nothing to do with who they are or what kind of life they've had and I'm tired of people judging me because of it. And I'm tired of people doing it to other people. And I'm tired of people getting away with it.