22wks prescribed 5mg Vicodin.

Hi Ladies, (please NO judgemental/mean comments) I have had horrific migraines this pregnancy I was on Firocet prior to being pregnant, My OB prescribed me 5mg Vicodin for the migraines I don't take them all the time just when the migraines are unbearable and the tylenol,coffee,hot shower,meditation etc doesn't work. I am now 22weeks and feel guilty I can't just get through them,
The pain getsso bad that it causes
me to vomit and I get the aura with them as well so it was causing me not to be able to drive to pick up my daughter from school etc... if I have taken them off and on through this pregnancy is this going to cause infant to have any issues (so far all test and U/S are normal) when should I completely stop them so baby doesn't go through withdrawals please respond if you have experienced this or know anyone who has had the same type of situation. Thanks again & please no rude comments! 🙂