I don't know if I'm ready.....

Tiffany • Mommy To Baby Boy Daxton 11/25/17 and Baby girl Elianna 11/25/18. Yup my babies share the same birthday 🥰 Baby #3 Raelynn 💖 due 02/23/20
Last Friday I was going to announce to my coworkers that I was expecting since they were the only ones who didn't know yet, but when I went to my first sonogram appointment that Thursday they discovered I had a missed miscarriage. I was 9 weeks 3 days and baby only measured 6 weeks with no heart development. They put me out of work that Friday to go to an appointment to talk about what I wanted to do next. I chose to go ahead with the D&C procedure. I had the procedure on Monday and it is now Wednesday. I'm starting to have really bad anxiety about returning back to work tomorrow. I don't think I'm ready emotionally or physically. I thought I was getting better emotionally, but I guess not because I'm sitting here trying to fight the tears. My aunt just delivered her beautiful little girl and all I wanna do is cry because that's something I should have been experiencing months to come. All these babies are being born around me and idk how to deal with it. My brothers gf is also expecting and we were only a week apart. It's definitely going to be hard to see her going through her pregnancy knowing I should have been going through it along with her. Idk if I should take the rest of the week off or not!? Idk how my job will feel about it!? I have work notes for the days the doctor put me out, but idk what to do until I feel like I can go back or if I should just suck it up and return tomorrow😔