16.5 weeks bleeding after orgasm (no penetration)

Sorry if this is TMI but here's what happened: 
Was told to abstain from intercourse until 12 weeks due to early spotting and subchronic hemmorages. I did that and a week ago my doctor gave me the all-clear to have sex again since hemorages seem to be gone on ultrasound.
I'm now 16 weeks along and my husband and I fooled around this am, no penetration because I was too nervous, but other stuff that lead to an orgasm. 
Right after that I went to the bathroom and had a pretty bloody wipe. Went to the doctor, cervix closed and Heart rate was 159.
Doctor said not to worry but do pelvic rest. When I got home from the hospital bleeding got worse. Had it in my underwear and seems to be continuing. 
I don't have cramps but I'm feeling a lot more action in my stomach. 
Anyone had something similar happen? I'm worried.