Feeling nauseous and peachy CM

Basically I'm a pretty healthy person, or at least I try to be.  I very rarely ever throw up unless I'm actually sick with the flu (which I'm not) or after a fun night out (lol! Those times where you say you're never drinking again)😀 This could be something, this could be nothing.  I want a baby but more so when the timing is right.  For the last 3 weeks I've been feeling nauseous to the point of actually throwing up at night time.  Not always but even when I don't, I always have that feeling like I'm on the verge and if I'm up and moving around too much I might.  So fast forward a few weeks and I was supposed to start today but nothing and instead like a peachy-pink-orange CM there was a lot and it was thick and creamy. I'd give it another 4 days before I start thinking anything crazy but.. could this be a sign of early pregnancy? Did anyone else experience this or something similar as an early sign ?