Loved ones that have passed away...***sorry for so long***


I don't how you are about love ones that have passed away. I trually believe that loves that have passed come to you through dreams. It has happened to me a couple times including last night.

So the point of my subject is that I lost my dad 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant with my daughter she is 6 almost 7 and he had suffered a massive brain aneurysm 2 years before this and we thought we were going to lose him then but we didn't he was in a nursing home for the 2 years after. I was so close with my dad so even when this happened to him he was still able to know who we were he just couldn't talk. So after I found out I was pregnant I was trying to figure out how I could go and see him and tell him I was pregnant with his first grandchild but before I could tell him he passed away. I was only about 6 weeks and now I am 9 weeks pregnant with his 2nd grandchild which was a total surprise!!! So I had dreams with dad in it but there was 3 dream where I believe he came to me in a dream to see how I was doing or just checking up on me. 😊 which are the best dreams I have. Everyone was magic and I had one last night it starts out like a regular dream and then all of a sudden my dad is just there and we just start talking. So last night I asked him if mom told him that I was pregnant he said "no but I knew" 😭💕and he touched my belly and said "how is it going on in there?" "Looks all good" and he goes on about that I should name the baby banana, if you knew my dad he was always a jokester but I told him I would think about it. After we had this what seemed so short but such great conversation. I woke up and wanted so bad to go back to sleep but wasn't happening. So I touched my belly and got teary eyed and loved it so much. 💕💖💕

Sorry for such a long story but I couldn't help but share.