Surprise twins? UPDATED
I am 40 weeks tomorrow, and have been planning a homebirth with a midwife. My first child was born at a birth center with no meds or interventions. It was a long labor, but definitely the most peaceful, empowering experience I could have asked for! That child is now 3. During 2015 I miscarried twice, both before the 12 week mark. When I became pregnant again in early 2016, I wanted to use the same midwives as before. I also wanted an early ultrasound to ease my mind a bit after two losses. Direct entry midwives in my area do not offer this service, so I actually had two scans at two separate providers; one at 6 weeks, one at 12. Both showed only one baby! Since I was considered low risk, we continued prenatal care as before: checking vital signs, heartbeat, pee strips, diet, the whole thing. Overall it was completely uneventful, no morning sickness, dizziness, perfect blood pressure, iron levels were excellent. Really it was so like my first that I hardly gave it a second thought. Two things stood out though, I was a little more fatigued (but then I have a toddler!), I gained 10 extra pounds, and I felt movement around 11 weeks.
So at my last appointment, 39 +5 weeks, my midwife drops the bomb: she said the week before she started suspecting that the limbs we were feeling on one side belong to ANOTHER BABY!! Not the same one lying head down on my right... We spent the better part of an hour palpitating and listening, shaking our heads in bewilderment. I ended up coming back later that day and this time we found two heartbeats on opposite ends (one bottom right, the other top left) of my uterus. They were distinctly different rates, even to my untrained ears! But both quite strong and very normal.
I am still in shock and denial. We are going back today to consult with a second midwife who has had some additional experience. I'm so excited and terrified to hear what she thinks. Can't wrap my head around it.
No, there are no twins on either side, for as many generations as we can trace.
So the second midwife wasn't as certain, and we couldn't find the additional heartbeat again. So all of us agreed to proceed with the original plan, knowing the possibility of twins and just being prepared for it.
Thankfully I didn't have to wait long! Baby Zebulon made his appearance Jan.21 at 4:35am-- one day after his due date. All 10lbs of him!! It was an intense 3 1/2 hr water birth, which I was NOT expecting since my first was 40hrs. That second heart tone will remain a mystery, but being so big and active, I can see why he seemed like 2 in there.
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.