due in 2 days and no signs at all 😪

Anyone else due in the next couple of days but not experiencing any solid early/pre-labour signs?
Getting so fed up. But don't get me wrong I'm quite happy for her to come when she's ready (I'm not wanting to 'force' her out) but just so excited to meet our little girl and 40 weeks has been a loooooong time!
The only thing i have had, is crampy period type pains in the past few days which ease off quicker than they start.. and also shooting pains which I assume is baby on my cervix.
I have been experiencing what I believe are BH, they just make me feel like I want to go to the toilet even when iv just been and tummy goes really hard.
Also currently full of a cold today and had a sore throat and cough for the last few days. It's the first time Iv been ill this whole pregnancy (Was also told this could be a sign body is preparing for labour).
Got my 40 week midwife appointment tomorrow. Any thoughts/views/opinions on sweeps? Not sure if I really want one/whether it would be beneficial in any way since I'll be at my due date more or less.
Anyone else bobbing along in the same boat? 
Much love ❤