Angry Over Makeup?

Myracle • *Yeets Into Traffic*

Sorry, this is sort of a vent. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a few months. About 2 weeks ago, he 're-enrolled into college. Since then, it's been a complete emotional rollercoaster..

Every other day, we're either getting into an argument, or just don't talk to one another. Just today, I was telling him about I was feeling better about myself because I started to wear makeup and working out, and I showed him a picture. Instead of just being supportive like he usually is, he goes off saying that makeup isn't a confidence booster, it's only an accessory, and how girls who wear it only causes problems for themselves and others around them.

So, despite being offended and kind of hurt, I simply tell him that I'm going to continue to wear it.

He basically gives me the cold shoulder, and says have fun with your "confidence booster." Just don't wear around it around me...

I understand that you don't like it, but I just wanted to show you how happy and prettier it made me feel...