9 years ago I tried to take my own life..

Elizabeth • 27🌼Happily married❤

I was 16, scared, depressed, had been dealing with trauma due to being beat up, molested and nearly raped on multiple occasions by a cousin 4 years older than me.. I didn't think anybody understood..

I survived because an ex-boyfriend cared enough to call 911 when I couldn't. I spent 3 days in the hospital and vowed to never do that to myself again.

3 months later I joined a fire department and ambulance corps because I felt the want and need to help people. Today I work with adolescents with disabilities and traumatic pasts.

Fast forward to today, exactly 9 years later.. I couldn't be more thankful to have survived.. I married a wonderful man and we recently bought a house together.. and now, in just 8 short months, we will be adding a very special and wanted member to our family after over 2 years of trying.

Everything happens for a reason and I feel so blessed right now ❤❤❤ If anyone here needs someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out and get help. Call a friend and vent, or call a suicide prevention hotline. There are so many people out there that care about you, and if you haven't found your purpose in life yet, I can guarantee you that you will, just don't ever give up. ❤