She's finally here!!! πŸ˜‚


So at 11pm on 1-10-17 I started having some strong contractions. I felt like this could be the start of true labor so the hubs and I tried to get some rest. At 3am the labor pains woke me up! As I timed my contractions they were already 5 mins apart and lasting a minute long. I took a shower and took my time getting ready. By 4:40am I was urgently telling my hubby to hurry because we had to get to the hospital!

I get there and two nurses and a doctor check me and can't find my cervix! After propping my bottom on an upsidedown bedpan, speculum, and flashlight they find my cervix... Closed!!!! 😣 No way!

They offer me pain meds and have me walk around. I walked for an hour and a half with breath-taking contraction stopping me every five to ten feet. I was certain I was dialated! They check me and... Fingertip. πŸ˜‘

They repeat the process and say they will check me at 12pm. Let's just say it didn't work because I was still at a fingertip. They discuss sending me home. I ask when I should return and their response is, "When ur contractions are two minutes apart and so painful you can't walk or talk." Then the on-call resident doctor looks down at the monitor and says, "But you're already there.. Let me consult with the other doctors and I'll be back." Well, my regular doctor who is AMAAAZING backed me up and said they should keep me especially since when they checked me my blood pressure was up.

They admitted me, put me on pitocen and inserted a Foley bulb. I battled contractions until 8pm when my nurses finally convinced me that there was no shame in an epidural especially since I was only a little over 2cm dialated and looked like I had days left to go! Right after the epidural I laid down and I felt my water break. Pop! Like a water balloon! They check me and I had gone from 2- 6cm real quick! From 8pm-11pm I quickly dialated to 9cm! My epidural was a low dose where I could still feel the contractions and move my legs and toes. When the contractions switched to an unbearable pressure the epidural was useless. I struggled through every contraction that felt like the worse constipation of the biggest poop ever. By 1:30am I was 10+ and it was time for practice pushes. My nurse was shocked at how well I was pushing and had to slow me down until my doctor got out of surgery! My doctor made it 10 minutes before my baby was born. Everything was such a blur I just remember pushing to relieve the pressure and then they put this sweet little blob on my chest and all I can say is, "What happened?!" I'll never forget the first thing she did was lift her head up off my chest and look right at me. I asked the nurses if they were supposed to be able to lift their head like that!

Please help me welcome little Genevieve to the world! Its not a perfect world, I do know I will do my best to make sure she knows her father and I will always be there for her and love her with all our hearts. πŸ˜πŸ‘ΆπŸ’˜πŸ‘ͺπŸ˜™

7lbs 12oz, 20 inches, born 1-12-17, 2:26am... πŸ’—