Hospital bills?

I understand that I'm asking a personal question so I understand if you ladies don't want to comment but I was curious as to what were your hospital bills after having your bundle of joys? Mine came up close to $10k and that's with very good insurance. I had a c-section and was in labor for almost 30hrs. I think my bill is a little outrageous but before I did anymore digging I'm curious to know if maybe that is just the normal for having a baby, so I'm asking you ladies. If you would like to share, what did your bills come up to? Thanks ladies. I just want to see if I'm being cheap or not lol! 😅

EDIT: Thank you ladies! I really appreciate the responses and it's helped a lot. I'm on my husband's insurance and we have Anthem BlueCross BlueShield. I'm so jealous of you ladies that owe zero to nothing lol.

Edit #2: So after calling the hospital they said that my insurance brought the bill for myself down around 3k! It was originally a little over 5k for myself and a little over 3k for my daughter. Thank God! But for some reason they're having trouble with my daughter's bill and I will have to call the insurance company for that one. It's a good thing I decided to look into it!