To separate or not.....?

I need some advice desperately. My husband is hands down the most selfish person I have ever met. He doesn't help me with anything and when he does he expects me to praise him. He was helping me clean our 2 year olds school things (sippy cups, lunchbox, etc) up until a few days ago. I asked him to finish cleaning up so that we can both go to bed. I told him that when he wakes up at 4am the noise wakes me up and I'm not getting adequate sleep. He turned that into me bitching at him and he said that he'd rather stay at the office than come home. This is not the first time he's threatened to leave us. I uusually ignore those threats and move on. But, I have had it. This time I told him if he didn't want to come home, don't.  Tonight he "helps" by washing literally 5 out 20 things and expects me to praise him like a god. Mind you we both work full time jobs and I am the primary caregiver to our daughter.  I do her laundry, bathe her, brush her teeth, make appointments, take her to the said appointments, pick her up from daycare (he carpools with us in the AM), pack every much, make every breakfast and dinner, the list goes on and on. He also has violent outbursts. Tonight he raised his voice and was yelling even though I was calm and collected then smacked the baby monitor off the table.  I have had it. He takes everything I do for granted and undermines everything I do. His parents are out of the country till March. Is it going to make things worse if I ask him to stay there so I can have some space and time to think?  I tried kicking him out tonight, but it didn't work.  He just decided to sleep on the couch. I firmly believe that he has some very narsassistic tendencies (he claims his father is a natassist so it's likely he like his father). I'm at a loss. I want more children, but I don't want them him.  Our culture and religion frowns upon divorce, but I will be honest, I NEVER want my daughter to end up with a man like her father. He's an okay dad but he's a horrible partner.  Any advice???