how do you make adult friends?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi
All of our friends are graduating this year and leaving to find jobs near their hometowns.
We are 22 and 23 year old married couple, I'm no longer in school (found the career I was looking into wasn't going to work out. Soul searching for now). I feel we can't relate to college kids anymore, can't relate to the married couples around (most people in the area are married older, post career and such). And even when we do find a young married couple, they think that we're too "old" for them because we're old souls.
I feel like our only hope in the future when we have kids, because despite age, new mothers are all equally mentally unprepared for those adorable screaming poop monsters. (I swear I love babies, but I like being light/funny about them since very young babies are cute but infuriating- I was a nanny)
How do you make friends without having kids? I feel I'm too forward a lot of the time, and when there's not a very obvious common interest, like kids, people get scared off. (I know because more people seemed open to me when they thought I was a mom at first glance, with the kid I nannied, than they do with me just being a young married woman.)
I have a church group... but they're either very old, have kids, or are college kids. I feel like I'm this awkward mid-point that no one wants to talk or relate to. And I'm a very likable person! I've always been amazing at making friends, so this mid-point is all I can think of that's stopping me from making friends lately!