Didn't go to plan but perfect little guy


I've got time now to put my birth story....

On Friday at 330 my waters broke, rang the hospital and was told to stay home and I'd be checked in the morning. At around 9 the midwife came, verified it was my waters and booked me into hospital for 8am the next day, told me to call if my contractions got to 5 min apart.

My contractions started and during Friday night got up to every 5 min, I rang and was told they were busy and to call when they were every 2 to 3 min.

As the night went on they spaced out again and so I went in at 8 as planned. I was only 2 to 3 cm dilated so they gave me a pessary to kick start it. 6 hours later after lots of contractions checked again and only 2 cm dilated.

Next step was to start the hormone drip, by this time I'd been up for 30 hours, I'd planned a water birth but contractions were painful and I was told they'd hurt alot more with the drip and it could be 12 hours so I opted for an epidural.

The epidural worked at first but became less effective, despite regular top ups, then the anesthatist changed shifts, and the new one changed the tops ups and it stopped working. He then removed it and resited it, as first ot felt better but became less effective over time again.

I had to have antibiotics as the risk if infection was increasing with time since waters broke.

After over 24 hours of induction drugs and having to have gas and air as well as the epidurals I was checked again, still not dilated enough so at 60 hours past my waters breaking the doctor advised and emergency c section to avoid infection.

The epidural hadn't been effective enough to use it for the operation so it was removed and I was given a spinal. 10 minutes later I had my little boy in my arms and he is perfect. It was scary for a while but totally worth it and I can't stop smiling at him.

C section recovery wasn't in my plan but taking it a day at a time and loving spending my days with him.