The doctor told me I was going to need to be induced... While I was in labour!!

So my baby girl is 2 months old now and I've been so busy loving her I haven't posted my labour story yet, it was definitely not what I expected! So on November 17th 2016 I woke up around 7am with menstrual cramps, it really felt like my period cramps I had forgotten what those felt like! (I never had BH or anything to give me an idea of what labour would be like). I went about my business all day long going to appointments and such telling my boyfriend how these cramps sucked, thought it was from my mucus plug that I was starting to lose since the night before. It was 1pm when I went to the doctor and told him about it along with how she wasn't moving, in which he responded that I was going to go past my due date and need to be induced so he set up an appointment for my due date to discuss when to induce me. He also sent me for an ultrasound immediately in which I was told everything was fine! Mind you this doctor had never once checked my cervix or did his own ultrasound (i switched to him in the middle of my 2nd trimester). The cramps never got worse all day, and I felt like they had been consistent all day long since I woke up they never stopped. By 8pm I called Telehealth and they told me to go to the hospital. My boyfriend was at work so his mom took me. At 9:30pm we found out I was having contractions! About 3cm dialated with my water still intact and them checking me jumpstarted my contractions, they got worse in pain! Eventually I'm in my own room with my boyfriend, his mom, my sister and my dad and it's about midnight when a nurse comes to check me. Only 4cm then at 12:30am they broke my water. My contractions got extremely worse!! I was in more pain now and asked if I could have my epidural but she said no doctor wasn't available until 2am but I could have morphine. I said yes, didn't even know what it was but I said yes! Then I was only waking up for contractions, morphine didnt help the pain just helped me sleep. Next thing I know I wake up in a HUGE panic, I NEED to push. If you have ever gone natural or are planning to, this is the most intense feeling to push that I have ever felt. I started yelling to get the doctor because I couldn't not push, they checked me and she's like yup you're ready! I asked her for my epidural and she said it was too late to which my response was "but its 2am!! You said 2am!!!" (it was 2:04am). Being 19 years old (20 in a few weeks) this was the scariest moment of my life. I went into labour with no expectations EXCEPT getting an epidural, I did not prepare for this. The doctor came in and I started to push, and at 2:24am the most beautiful 6lbs 6oz 20inch baby girl came into the world. I did have two 2nd degree tears both ways which weren't as bad as i had imagined (although I waited until my baby turned 2 months before having sex again because I was scared!! P.S it doesn't hurt!). Motherhood is hard but I promise you it is so amazing and wonderful and you will love that baby more than life itself. If you are breastfeeding it is even harder (i am exclusively BF) but hold out it gets easier everyday when you start figuring your baby out!! I wish you all quick and easy labours and wonderful healthy babies💖💖💖