little Mia ❤️

Mia was born O1/14/2O17 at O4:O1am after my water had broken a couple days prior to getting any contractions (I didn't know my water broke). During labor, I got a fever so they called the nicu team as they had to get Mia to get some antibiotics. After the first 2 days in nicu, I found out she can't lift her left arm bc of the severe shoulder dystocia. Her right diaphragm isn't working properly, and there is something wrong with her hip as she can't stretch her legs. As I had a vacuum assisted birth, she has some blood in her head (not in her cranium). I had begged for a c-section as I knew she was big (8lbs 4.6oz) but they refused. Now she has all these problems and I think it's because of the way she was born. I'm so scared but at least she's off oxygen. She's getting an MRI on Monday, praying for the best 🙏🏼