What to expect after Methotrexate shot for ectopic?

Yaz • 28y | Baby boy born 12 June ‘19! 🧔🏻👩🏻🐱👼🏻👶🏻
I had my first scan after <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> #1 yesterday and found out it was an ectopic :( It was the first ever BFP I got, I was so hopeful. Since my hcg levels were still low enough to medically terminate it I was given the Methotrexate shot (90ml), then and there, and I'm seeing my ObGyn in 4 days for follow up tests. 
What should I expect? Pain? I was having a few cramps but nothing unbearable. I know there's a risk of the tube rupturing and internal bleeding 😖