Potty training?

BeautyMommy • I love my family
I have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter who I've been trying to potty train for awhile now. When we first started she did great for a few weeks and then lost ALL interest. And I mean all of it. I've recently been rewarding her with a piece of candy afterwards. In the past I've tried the old sit and stay til you go routine, getting really excited/lots of praising, putting big girl panties on her, and even putting her potty by mine so when I go she sees what's supposed to happen and also trying to get her to sit and go with me. I've run out of bright ideas. My nephew is a week younger and has been out of diapers for like 6 months. Now before you say it, I realize whole-heartedly that every child is different and they all go at their own pace, which is fine. When she's ready, I'm ready! But I can't help feeling like I'm doing something wrong. Can you guys throw some suggestions my way. Thanks!