11 weeks today!

I get really excited when I hit a new week. Baby is the size of a lime today. I think I'm in the starting faze of nesting mode. I truly hate cleaning/doing chores. But the passed couple of days I've been excited to clean and organize! I want the house perfect for baby. Of course not starting on their room or anything but we moved in here a year ago and there is still organization that needs to be done! People think nesting happens only in the 3rd trimester but that isn't true. It could hit women differently. ❤️ I think also that my fatigue has calmed down a lot. I only get wiped out from working on the house too much so I have to rest.  how are you all feeling and what week are you on? Also, I haven't gained weight but my pants are tight! I have to do the hair band trick. Is anyone going through the same thing?