Anyone spotted during early pregnancy?

Well last night (4+5weeks) went the toilet and noticed i was bleeding , in half an hour it filled maybe a quater of the pad (dark not bright) then turned straight to dark brown instead but none on pad just when i wiped , doctor wanted to examine me , cervix he said was high and closed , done a tummy scan and seen a nice thick lining and a small sac which is common at this stage of pregnancy , then said its common to bleed anyway , and said nothing aboit a miscarrige , went home and got up this moening expecting to see blood but notjing on pad at all , literally when i wipe its just brown but quite watery looking but no major crampz or pain , ive had a few cramps since finding out that come and go anyway but today no cramps at all , has anyone at all experianced this and everything been fine ? I always assumed a mc would get heavier not lightee and stop within 12 hours , ive to go in a week for a scan , as doctors dont get hcg levels by blood , any advice would be great thanks