Pumping and storing breast milk

First time Mom here. My boy is a week old and I'm trying to exclusively bf for at least 6 months . I'm a bit confused on when to feed, when to pump and how to store the milk. The pediatrician said feed every 2-3 hours during the day, every 4 at night (goal of 8 x per day) and to try to keep him semi awake during day to help him sleep at night. Don't let him sleep through a feeding but also don't force it, if he doesn't latch in 10-15 mins. Try again in 30 or so. Am I supposed to only feed on one side or both? And am I supposed to pump on the one he doesn't feed on or both? And for how long? Each day I've pumped I get about 2 oz so I currently have 3 tiny bottles in my fridge and am wondering if I waste this milk or can combine days to make a full bag to freeze or keep each days supply separate and just have a bunch bags with tiny amounts? Help!!