Anger towards my cat?

I have begged my husband for two years to get me a cat, he finally did, we had her for a year and i have loved her from day one, but when i got pregnant everyday i started hating her, i have a 2 and 3 year old that cant even walk through the living room without her attacking their feet, and she sleeps all day and plays all night making to worst noise, she wakes us all up all through the night and will not listen. She is starting to get mean. I am extremely protective and i keep thinking she is about to hurt one of my babies. Now im worried she will suffocate my newborn because she wont stay out of his playpen or bassinet. Should i get rid of her? Is it because im pregnant? I've never not liked an animal before and I've delt with plenty of cats its just my husband didn't like them. Im also afraid that i get so mad at her sometimes im going to hurt her and I've never had this much anger before? What's wrong with me?