love life sucks

So i met this guy last year around May and we hit off I explained I wasn't ready for relationship as i had just gotten out of one 3 months before meeting him and he respected that also told me he just recently broke up with gf and understand so we connected great and everything was going great until around the end of July and The beginning of August he ghosted me :/ felt like i did something wrong until around the end of November he sent me a message on the dating site we met on and apologize for ghosting me and all this asked if we cound hang out and talk i said sure we met the next night. He explained that his ex came back ( I forgot to say that him and ex have been together for 5 years and have broken up twice so on again off again) anyways they tried to work something out for about 3 months and i guess didn't work he told me they fight all the time and i told him to get out that situation he said okay or he will talk to her....well couple days later he sends me a message and says he broke up with her again....two days later invited me over we had sex for the first time and have been having sex since that day....flash forward too now here lately he's been talking about liking me sending i miss you texts and calling me babe, baby ect...we talked about dating a week ago and he said he's not interested and i can respect that....he's been shady since that day hasn't been texting much only sends a few heys or how are you kinda stuff....i just feel really confused and tired of the mixed signals (I Just Need Help) should i give on him or wait until he's ready for a relationship. Also texted him last night told him i was interested in someone else to see how he would react i was also drunk and he said i hurt feelings but didn't ask if he hurt mine when he told me he wasn't interested in a relationship ughhhh I don't understand