Unsure I'll Know When Labor "Really" Starts

Have any of you noticed a difference in your baby's movement right before labor or during labor? I know everyone says that you'll know when you are really in labor, but I'm not so sure I will. When I had my miscarriage, I had absolutely no pain even though my uterus was contracting just like during a normal labor. I was told I was lucky because most people are in excruciating pain since it basically is labor and your body goes through the same process. This past weekend, I have felt so much pressure literally in my vagina just like I had during my miscarriage. It's almost a feeling of having to push. If I would try and stand, I would just lean over and have to hold onto something because I literally couldn't move. I had some pain in my hips, butt, lower abdomen and sometimes my lower back. But it wasn't constant. My baby would stop moving while this would happen and then as soon as my body would relax and I'd be able to move normal again, my baby would be his or her active self. Just wondering if this is anything anyone else has noticed or if maybe the pain in my vagina is the start of dilation...not sure if you can feel it happening. I'm going to ask my doctor tomorrow, but was just wondering if anyone else has ever had the same type of thing and went into labor soon or if it was still a ways away.