Kitty poop and pregnant

So I adopted a cat back in September. She was around 5 months and already litter trained so we didn't have many problems getting her used to things. I was 16 weeks pregnant at the time. I never handle her litter, my husband does because I know it's unsafe for a pregnant woman to do so. Well I just took in a baby kitten, I'd say she's about 9 weeks and she is not litter trained so it's a little harder. If she poops on the floor, we put her nose up to it and spray her with water and then show her where to go but she's still not getting it, I understand she's young so I'm not frustrated by it and I know she'll get sooner or late but I hadn't noticed that when she poops, it lands on her legs. I noticed because she happened to move and I smelt it and check. Well she doesn't poop very often and the last time she did was last night and I JUST noticed it. So I had been cuddling with her, touching her where the dried poop was, eating with my hands without washing them, rubbing my eyes and all sorts of things. I've washed them now and gave her a mini bath but I know that cat feces are a problem with pregnant women. I'm 32 weeks along and very scared that this could've somehow harmed my baby. Do I call my OB? Anyone had experience with this?
edit: I do have two litter boxes in completely different areas. I make sure the kittens is out in the open so she can see it but she's chosen a spot in the house to keep going in and I got that advice from the shelter on how to litter train her but it's really not working lol. Her litter is clean, it is low enough for her to be able to get in and I don't move it so I don't confuse her. Wondering maybe if I move it to the spot she has chosen to poop in if that would help but other then that, I'm not very sure what else to do!