vbac need help

Hi girls , I fell pregnant via <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and  my son was planned csection due to his health and spinal problems (spina bifida, hydrocephalus and fix talipes) he 5months now ..... I found out I was pregnant naturally by chance at my smear I'm 6-7weeks ! We where hoping to have a vbac ! I have stage 1 cancer also however I'm waiting to undergo treatment for my cancer ... this morning I noticed something hanging out my birth hole! Screaming I ran to the doctors ... my cervix and uterus have collapsed/ prolapsed! Doctor has said the pregnancy isn't viable! And wants to end it today ! As I need emergency surgery to correct my cervix and uterus! Can I ask has anything like this happened before ? And will I ever be able to fall pregnant again? I know you aren't doctors just hoping someone has some hope x