Pregnant women complaining!!

Ok so I guess pregnant women aren't allowed to complain about their negative symptoms because we are lucky to be pregnant. Well for one, I am so grateful for this pregnancy and my future baby. When I found out I was pregnant, me and my husband were over the moon. To this day I'm excited about everyday that goes on. I do though, from time to time, complain about the nausuea, vomiting, heartburn, fatigue, and general uncomfortableness. It's like at the worst part right now at 10weeks and I hope it really does ease off after the first trimester. One of my closest friends told me to "stop complaining, because other people can't get pregnant." I got so offended because she doesn't even know what I'm going through and said it to be funny! ....and other people situations doesn't limit me from needing to vent. I am 100% appreciative but dang can't complain about feeling like a zombie and throwing up?!