Joint pain in hands??

K • Baby E 3.1.17 💙 Baby B 2.25.20 💙 Baby due Nov '22
I'm 35w tomorrow. A while ago (over a month) I started having pain coming up the outside of my hands, by the pinky finger. Then it started affecting the knuckles on my three outside fingers (middle, ring, pinky) connecting to the palm. I brought it up to my OB, who said it was not carpal tunnel-- wrong part of hand. 
Now the pain is in ALL of my hand joints. It seems to be worse during the night, first thing in the morning, & during/right after exercise (walking). There's mild swelling but nothing crazy (I can still wear my rings). Blood pressure is fine. I do have rheumatoid arthritis & this pain is reminiscent of RA pain, but it hasn't flared up in a long time & my understanding is that autoimmune issues downregulate during pregnancy so it's unlikely I'd get a flare now. I'm seeing my OB on Thursday & will be asking her, but I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this! Is it just a standard pregnancy thing? Any tips on managing it?